Who Calls Me? – REPORTS Find out who called you



February 15th, 2011

I am from Poland. Somone was colling to me from this number 0016503539140. This number is from Australia. But what is it execly, I do not know. Dont answer, becouse You pay for this conversation (roaming).

Got a call from 0016503539140? Report it and help to identify who and why is calling from this number.
Posted by Zyga
Comments (2)
  1. My teenager son has also received a call from this number, twice. We are from Ecuador. If you know anything else, do please publish it.

  2. This number is part of the password recovery for Google Accounts. Once you go to “Forgot my password” and carry on you have a option to “receive a phone call for a authentication code” and the phone call happens…so you type the code and allows you to set a new password.

    If you receive a call from this number and you do have a Google Account (Gmail, Google+, Talk, Orkut…), and you did not expect that could be:

    -someone gave the wrong number…
    -someone is trying get in your mail (and/or other Google service used)…

    If you don’t have a Google Account, the definitely will be a mistake.

    Just by precaution change your password for a strong pass (with numbers, small and big caps and symbols) and may still easy enough to remember. Eg: instead using your daughters name “isabella” as a password change to “1s@b3LLA” and you still remembers.

    Big company s expend lots of money trying get systems safes and stables, but lot of users dont take the necessary precautions and revels the passwords for a lollipop.


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