Who Calls Me? – REPORTS Find out who called you



January 12th, 2011

I got a text message declaring that I must ring this number and "urgently" quote reference "SMS F". It claimed to be from Nationwide.

I rang the number, which went straight through to nationwide collections department where I was on hold for a while... every couple of seconds I could hear the legitimate "we are sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience" recordings that I am so used to hearing from Nationwide, except they were abit tinnier, like they had been recorded off a phone.

I dont trust this number and have now hung up. I dont think they are trying to scam bank details out of you, I more suspect it is a premium number designed to keep you holding as long as physically possible!

Got a call from 01604796378? Report it and help to identify who and why is calling from this number.
Posted by Daniel
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